Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 5

The day began when we met Grainne and her mother for lunch at a little American restaurant called Rodeo. Kelly got "American Style" pancakes which, ironically ended up tasting a lot better than actual American pancakes. Then we met up with the group of people Grainne's going to be housing with next semester and did some shopping...another stop at Penney's and an almost equally fabulous store called New Look. Why don't we have these stores in the states? Life is less than perfect without them. They took off to look at a house they want to rent, so we went back to Katie's and relaxed till Patrick got back so we could go to Tesco's for food and make fajitas for dinner...pretty much awesome.

After dinner, we went for a walk over to Salt Hill to visit Aoife for a bit and met some more of their friends and proceeded to discuss all the differences in our every-day speech and slang, for example...cupboard and press...same thing, hmmm...make sense??? Nope. Didn't think so. And really...what IS the crack?!?! After some fun and laughs there, we walked along the road on the coast (in the dark...pitch black ocean, I'm sure it would have been beautiful with night vision goggles). Even though we couldn't really see the bay or anything, we did see some sweet B&B's...one with an awesome old Bentley in the drive. Good to see that the Irish don't flaunt their money like the Americans do ;)

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