Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 10

Got up this morning just in time to catch the bus to Dublin. Long 3 1/2 hour bus ride to town, but lovin the scenery. Apparently Dublin's a big deal...or maybe it was just today...but we got off the bus into a sea of extremely inconsiderate tourists. It's amazing how many people just stop abruptly in the middle of the road, right in front of you, and a bunch of other people walking at full speed...just to check out another statue that looks just like the last one. For being a big industrial city, we actually quite liked Dublin. The architecture and street performers are a lot of fun, not to mention the many gorgeous bridges along the Liffey River.

We wandered around town for a bit trying to find the Gaiety Theatre where we bought our tickets for Riverdance! Grabbed some ice cream before the show (shocking) and settled in for some entertainment. A-freaking-mazing performance!!! Well done! Seriously don't know how they get their legs moving that fast, without moving their upper body hardly at's ridiculous. After the show, we grabbed some Thai food that we've been craving since we arrived...and caught the bus back to Galway. Another "long" ride back, but this time mostly just because of the obnoxious teenage girls that chose to sit right in front of us, instead of in any of the other empty seats throughout the rest of the bus.

Once we got back, around 11, we thought it'd be "smart" to go hunt down the building that our church will be meeting at in the morning. Good thing it's 20 minutes away in an industrial park, that is probably a whole lot less dodgy in daylight...but considering it's empty, and we had passed some slightly sketchy characters and a huge creepy cemetery on the way there...we were in a less than comfortable state. The little silver car that followed us around the whole time didn't help the situation. At first we figured he wouldn't possibly be thinking about killing us and stuffing us in the trunk because there was clearly no way he'd be able to fit us in there...even in bits. haha it was smaller than a Geo Metro...I mean...really!?!? Then he started circling the block and stopping when we'd turn to look and see if we were being followed...and that just sent us over the edge. We clutched each others arms and literally ran back to the main highway where we thought we'd be safe. Of course we had to be followed by two more creepy drunks on our way to Supermacs for some comfort fries. Shut up, we deserved them. We felt the need to walk off those fries, so we cruised on down to Quay street for some people watching. Oh my gosh! Some little short drunk guy (by himself, mind you) stops dead in the street...points at Kelly and yells, "Mary...? Is that you?" ...more than once. He came over, and took it upon himself to "entertain" us with his "kindness" for the next 15 minutes. His non-stop jabbering consisted mostly of "Are you guys sisters? Or lovers? ...Just friends?" and he mentioned our "permed" hair and "pearly whites" several times as well...ending in "I love America." It was great how he seriously felt inferior to Mallory's "death glare" and stopped between each sentence to comment about her facial expressions and fear for his life. Apparently she is going to "kill him." Ha, so great. We love Ireland.

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