Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 14

The past few days we have spent way too much time in the Dublin airport. Wednesday morning we got there after our sweet early morning bus ride from Galway at about 9:15 and didn't get out of there with my brother Matt until about noon. Slight confusion on where he was too meet us is to blame. It worked out fine and we made it back into Dublin in time to spend the rest of the day walking all around the city.

The next morning we made a quick stop at Schuh to get some shoes for Matt then it was back to the airport. We arrived with plenty of time to spare before our flight to London. Thinking everything was great we just relaxed and waited for our flight to start boarding. When we got to the part where they scan our tickets and we get on the plane apparently two of us were missing a stamp on our ticket thus preventing from actually getting on the plane. Too bad we hadn't figured that out earlier when we had plenty of time to fix the problem instead of sitting there and eating candy and soda like everything was awesome. Oh well, what can you do. $140 each later we were on a different flight to London and well prepared to not eat for the next few days considering the amount we just blew on the freaking changing tickets. I totally blame the airport, OK it was totally our fault. Whatever.

We got into London and found our sweet hostel then set out to find the cheapest food for Matt's birthday dinner. We figured we had to at least eat out for that then we can proceed to starve ourselves until we return home. After the last supper we wandered around town and totally didn't get lost or anything for a few hours. When we finally did get back to the hostel we went to bed while Matt went to go party it up in the bar for his himself. Apparently a couple of dudes bought him some birthday drinks though so we didn't feel bad that he came back at 3am when we all need to be up at 6:45.

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