Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Start of Journey

It's 6:30 in the morning, Ireland time, (which is 7 hours ahead of Salt Lake City and, therefore, 8 hours ahead of Seattle). We have just finished our feast of cold banana's and warm water, 1.75 oz 166 calorie "blueberry muffin" with a side of 3 oz of orange juice. We simply couldn't be more satisfied. Really, Delta really should consider finding a better meal planner. We are about an hour away from landing in Dublin, and have successfully irritated everyone within earshot with non-stop laughter and the best card game ever...speed (ok, we really did attempt to stifle our outbursts...but we all know that actually makes it worse).

The snotty 7 1/2 year old, perfectly matching (with Gucci bags), New Yorker twins and their gorgeous and extremely stuck up mother were quite the entertainment in the Salt Lake airport. As they sat there, perfectly coiffed and reading the latest In Style and Makeover magazines, a man 4 seats down sneezed...and their mother promptly flipped out and hurriedly "protected" her children from the cancerous flesh eating disease spreading quickly from the mans mouth and nose (mind you, those public airport seats are sanitized on a very regular which, you need not worry about germs AT ALL until you see them spraying. Otherwise, they're non-existant...or so they're led to believe in the Big Apple). Seriously!?!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am so excited for you Mal! Miss you at work, but Ireland is sooo much more fun!!
