Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 11-13

Our last three days in Galway were spent mostly doing, well nothing. Sunday we made it safely to church without being stalked by any creepy people in small cars or drunks. It was funny but not really surprising at how small the Galway branch is. We kind of laughed to ourselves when the Relief Society teacher commented on how it was so nice to have such a big group, because there was literally 9 of us, including the teacher. The rest of sunday was pretty typical: read, sleep, eat, go on a walk, you know.

On Monday we went to all the CD shops to check prices and decide which CD's we actually thought were worth buying. We have a long list of bands that Ireland has introduced to us and we pretty much want to get all of them. We really couldn't decide so we thought it would be a good idea to go home and look up more songs from each of those artists to therefore make an educated decision. So all the bands ended up being totally worth buying all their albums which was expected but also sort of sucked because that would cost a lot of money. We trekked back to the CD store and finally made our decisions. Mallory got Jape and Temper Trap and Kelly got The Frames and Guggenheim Grotto. All amazing bands, check them out for sure. The rest of the day we pretty much walked around, got ice cream as usual, watched a ton of music videos whilst hanging out with Niall.

Tuesday we walked all around town for the last time and took some video of the streets and street performers. We went and hung out at this spot by the bay where people were fishing until one guy almost hooked us with his fishing pole. We were pretty hungry by this point so we went and bought stuff to make ourselves chicken curry for dinner. It was amazing. The rest of the day was spent watching more music videos and funny videos on you tube. We stayed up most of the night maybe sleeping 3 hours at best then it was off to catch the 6am bus in the pouring rain. Who doesn't love a nice morning walk in the rain with 40lbs of luggage, I'm pretty sure everyone does.

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